How To Win The Battle Against Pests: Garden Edition
If you are an avid gardener you know the thrill of sowing seeds, nourishing them, and eventually reaping the reward of beautiful flowers, tasty fruits, or delicious vegetables. Unfortunately, you are also probably familiar with the extreme disappointment and frustration of pests ruining your crop. There are many garden pests that can turn a fun summer of gardening into a constant battle over who has the rights to your garden. In an effort to help you better defend your turf, here are some common garden pests along with how to win the fight. If at any point you feel like you are losing the war, call your local pest control company and ask them to show up with the cavalry (so to speak).
Slugs and snails may seem slow and harmless, but they can actually chew through almost any plant, fruit, or vegetable that you may be growing. Active mostly in the cool of night, they can usually be found in dark, moist areas, like under rocks or in mulched, watered areas. The easiest way to get rid of slugs and snails is to trap and relocate them, though there are several pesticides that work very well on them.
Japanese Beetles
Japanese beetles are not only dangerous to your plants, but also your grass. The larvae of Japanese beetles burrow into the roots of grass and have a heyday, making grass dead and fragile. If you start to notice beetles on your plants and dead patches of grass you will know you have a problem. There are fertilizers you can use on your grass that take care of grub, but you may also need something for the beetles. There are many types of solutions that will take care of bugs without harming your garden.
If you have seen deer, rabbits, moles, groundhogs, or other animals nibbling on your plants, you may want to put up chicken wire around your garden to keep it safe.
In conclusion, there are many different types of insects and animals that wreak havoc on your garden. The first step to eradicating them is to figure out exactly what you have, and then find the solution for those pests. There are pesticides that can be helpful, though many people prefer to use organic solutions. Your local pest control professional may be able to help you with both options. Good luck in the battle for your garden!