You may not have given much thought to your home’s attached porch, but it is the perfect place for entertaining. Ultimately, your porch can serve as an integral piece of your home allowing for hours of conversation and quality time with friends, family and other guests. Here are three steps to make sure you plan the perfect porch that works well for entertaining:
1. First Comes Comfortable Seating.
Porches are often used for social gatherings or personal treats.…
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Some kind of cornice is essential if you really want to modernize your curtains and give them an inviting feel. But while cornices can certainly be made on a DIY basis, there are many possible mistakes you can make that will set your project back. So make sure to avoid these three pitfalls inherent with building a cloth cornice that will go on a curtain rod.
Not Stretching The Cloth On The Bottom Of The Cornice Taut With Staples…
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Did a friend pick you up in their car and you forget to take the house keys with you? A locksmith will be prompt about making it to your house to let you in, but you may want to attempt picking the lock on your own first. Below, discover how easy it is to pick a deadbolt and what a locksmith may charge if you need assistance.
How Easy is Picking a Deadbolt When Locked Out?…
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