How To Win The Battle Against Pests: Garden Edition

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If you are an avid gardener you know the thrill of sowing seeds, nourishing them, and eventually reaping the reward of beautiful flowers, tasty fruits, or delicious vegetables. Unfortunately, you are also probably familiar with the extreme disappointment and frustration of pests ruining your crop. There are many garden pests that can turn a fun summer of gardening into a constant battle over who has the rights to your garden. In an effort to help you better defend your turf, here are some common garden pests along with how to win the fight.…

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3 Things You Should Consider Doing Before Opening Up An Ice Cream Shop

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Would you like to open up your own ice cream shop? You may love eating ice cream and the idea of running a business doing something that involves one of your favorite foods. Even if you have already taken some steps toward opening up your shop, such as obtaining the proper business license to run the shop legally, there are a few other things you should make sure to do ahead of time before you officially open up to the locals.…

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Dressing Up Your Living Room With Unique Draperies

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If you enjoy decorating your home so it has a unique style, and you have a set of bland draperies hanging over a sliding glass door or large window, consider revamping it on your own. There are several ways you can revitalize worn or unattractive draperies into works of art. Here are a few ideas you can use to increase the aesthetics of your draperies using items you might already have present within your household.…

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