Basic Tips On Storing Away Your Holiday Decorations

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Once the holiday season is over, it can be easy to grab a box and start putting everything in it until next year. However, if you don’t take certain precautions, lights can become tangled, Christmas tree ornaments break and holiday cards crushed. In order to preserve the holiday decorations so they can be used year after year there are certain steps that should be taken before putting them in your storage unit.…

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How To Design A Welcoming Landscape For Birds

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Song birds can make a welcome addition to the garden. Whether you enjoy watching birds or just enjoy the lovely lilt of their songs, creating a landscape that both welcomes the feathered friends and helps keep them safe requires some planning. These strategies can help make your yard more bird-friendly. Strategy #1: Bird House Safety Birds need shelter for safety, nesting and sleeping. Bird houses are an attractive way to meet these needs.…

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How To Keep Your Tile Flooring Looking Brand New

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After you install a new tile floor in your home, the entire room seems to come together. Your design went from mediocre to perfection. Because your new tile flooring completes the room so nicely, you want to do everything you can to maintain that like-new appearance going forward. However, never having had tile flooring in your home before, you may not know where to start with tile flooring maintenance. Luckily, there are a few simple and easy steps you can take to protect your new tile flooring from the wear and tear that can damage your floor.…

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