How To Bring Back An Ailing Bush Or Shrub

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Do you have a bush or shrub that appears to be dying back and struggling? Often, with a little tender love and care, you can revive the bush and have it looking alive and fresh again within a few growing seasons. Here’s how to approach this project. Fertilize the bush over the winter Apply fertilizer to the soil around the bush while it is dormant during the late winter or early spring months.…

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3 Wood Problems That Should Be Addressed Before They Cause Serious Structural Damage

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Modern homes in North America are usually wood structures, which can last for many generations with the proper care and maintenance. With wood structures and features, there are also some problems that can lead to structural damage, such as mold, fungus, and wood boring insects like termites. These are problems that need to be addressed when they are found to prevent serious damage to your home. Here are some of the wood problems that you want to watch for and have repaired before they become too serious:…

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How To Keep Mosquitoes Out Of Your Home Year-Round

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Mosquitoes will take every opportunity they have to latch onto your skin for a quick meal that typically results in pain, swelling, and serious itching for several minutes, sometimes even hours, afterward. So if you’re like most folks, you’d rather keep the mosquitoes out of your house altogether than have to deal with the bites and aggravation. Unfortunately, the little flying creatures seem to be able to find their way indoors even when you’re using screens where windows and doors are left open.…

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