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Pipe Bursting: Common Questions About This Threat Answered

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Plumbing problems can cause substantial water damage to your house and property, and one of the most common problems that homeowners encounter is pipe bursting. This problems occurs when a pipe ruptures and starts spilling water into the home, and depending on the size of the damaged pipe, this can quickly spill massive amounts of water. Due to the problems that pipe bursting can cause, it should be no surprise that there are a couple of question that homeowners may need answered about this common problem:…

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Five Reasons To Consider Investing In Fertilizer Companies

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When choosing what to invest in, people often forget about the agricultural companies. Agriculture is extremely important, since people need to eat to survive. Some crops are also used in other ways, such as the use of corn ethanol in gasoline.  Even when other stocks aren’t doing too well, certain agricultural stocks flourish. One particular type of stock to consider investing in is stock in fertilizer companies.  Why Fertilizer Companies may be a Good Investment…

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Surprising Outdoor Home Decor You Thought Was Trash

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Your outdoor home decor is all about making your home look unique and inviting to all your friends and family. Discover treasures for your outdoor decor that you formerly thought were trash, so you can have an amazing landscape that you can enjoy anytime you want! Chicken wire Whether you use chicken wire for your garden or to fill in patches of your fence so critters can’t get in, don’t throw any leftover pieces out.…

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How To Keep Your Front Yard Healthy

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Is your front yard looking a little under the weather?  If you have neglected your grass or garden lately, chances are, it’s not feeling very well.  Luckily, it’s not too late to bring your flowers, shrubs, and trees back to life.  Here are a few tips to keep your yard healthy.   Banish Weeds Weeds can quickly take over your yard and compromise its health.  In dealing with your garden or planters, you should pull weeds out when the soil is moist.…

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2 Ways To Improve Your Coffee Business For Consumers

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As someone selling a variety of coffee-making appliances at your store, you want to sell the best items and to leave your consumers with a positive feeling about your establishment. Here are a few ways to make your business more inviting and comfortable.  Sell Your Items with Sales and Events One of the best things you can do as a startup or even established business is to hold events at your store.…

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How To Make Your Own Candle Lanterns

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If you are a crafty type of person that enjoys saving money by making unique household items, you might be interested in creating your very own hanging candle lanterns for your upcoming backyard party instead of buying candle lanterns online. Candle lanterns are a great way to decorate a yard, and they are also the perfect way to add light to an outdoor area. If you would like to make these yourself, here are the steps you must take.…

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Prepare Your Grade School-Aged Child For Your Global Relocation

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Moving with grade school-aged children isn’t ever easy, but it can be even more complicated when going abroad. Children who go through international relocations can feel isolated and out of sorts in their new country, especially when surrounded by children and adults who have a different culture and speak a different language. These tips will help you prepare your grade school-aged child for your upcoming global relocation.  Get a Language Tutor…

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White Fungus Growing In Your Basement? 3 Issues That Might Need To Be Addressed

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Are you starting to find white fungus on the concrete in your basement? If you are, it’s a pretty good indication that you have a moisture problem somewhere. Excess moisture in your basement can lead to foundation damage. It can also undermine the structural integrity of your home. The first thing you need to do is find the cause of the moisture and repair the problem. When you’re looking for moisture in your home, it can seem like you’re looking for a needle in a haystack.…

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Basic Tips On Storing Away Your Holiday Decorations

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Once the holiday season is over, it can be easy to grab a box and start putting everything in it until next year. However, if you don’t take certain precautions, lights can become tangled, Christmas tree ornaments break and holiday cards crushed. In order to preserve the holiday decorations so they can be used year after year there are certain steps that should be taken before putting them in your storage unit.…

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How To Design A Welcoming Landscape For Birds

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Song birds can make a welcome addition to the garden. Whether you enjoy watching birds or just enjoy the lovely lilt of their songs, creating a landscape that both welcomes the feathered friends and helps keep them safe requires some planning. These strategies can help make your yard more bird-friendly. Strategy #1: Bird House Safety Birds need shelter for safety, nesting and sleeping. Bird houses are an attractive way to meet these needs.…

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